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Rules and Regulations

Rules and Regulations

Welcome to KMK Hr.Sec & Montessori School. As a premier institution, we uphold the highest standards of education and discipline. The following rules and regulations are established to create a conducive learning environment for all students:

1. Attendance and Punctuality:

  • Regular attendance is crucial for academic success. Students must attend all classes, examinations, and school events punctually.

  • Absences should be supported by a valid reason and must be communicated to the school in advance, if possible.

2. Uniform and Dress Code:

  • Students are required to adhere to the prescribed uniform and dress code specified by the school.

  • Neatness and conformity to the dress code are mandatory.

3. Discipline and Conduct:

  • Students are expected to conduct themselves with dignity, respect, and integrity at all times.

  • Disruption of classes, disrespectful behaviour towards peers or teachers, and any form of bullying or harassment will not be tolerated.

4. Academic Integrity:

  • Plagiarism, cheating, or any form of academic dishonesty is strictly prohibited.

  • Students must submit original work and uphold the principles of honesty and integrity in all academic pursuits.

5. Safety and Security:

  • The safety and security of students are of utmost importance. Students must adhere to all safety protocols and guidelines established by the school.

  • Any concerns regarding safety should be immediately reported to the school authorities.

6. Use of Electronic Devices:

  • The use of any electronic devices, including mobile phones, inside the campus is prohibited, except for educational purposes as approved by the school authorities.

7. Parent-Teacher Interaction:

  • Parents/Guardians are encouraged to actively participate in parent-teacher meetings (PTMs) and school events to foster collaboration between home and school.

8. Communication Channels:

  • Effective communication between parents/guardians and the school is essential. Parents/Guardians are encouraged to communicate with the school through official channels for any queries or concerns.

9. Timely Payment of School Fees:

  • Timely payment of school fees is essential to support the smooth functioning of the school and ensure continuity in educational services.

  • Parents/Guardians are requested to ensure prompt payment of school fees as per the schedule specified by the school administration.

10. Local School Authorities and Puducherry Education Department:

  • The school operates in compliance with the guidelines and directives issued by local school authorities, including the Puducherry Education Department.

  • All students, parents/guardians, and staff members must adhere to the guidelines and directives issued by the Education Department regarding curriculum, examinations, and other academic matters.

11. Revision of Rules:

  • These rules and regulations are subject to revision and may be updated periodically as deemed necessary by the school administration, in compliance with Education Department norms.

Failure to comply with these rules and regulations may result in disciplinary action, including but not limited to counselling, suspension, or expulsion, as per the severity of the violation and in accordance with the school’s disciplinary policy.

For any clarification or further information regarding the rules and regulations, please feel free to contact the school administration.